We're feeling the love

Since our official launch this year, we've been overwhelmed with amazing support from you - our Salam Sisters Family. We're also excited by the amazing media coverage we've received from CNN Arabic, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, NowThis, Stylus, ABC6, and ABC Arts.

It is humbling to see our Salam Sisters dolls playing a role in the shared recognition of just how important representation is. Thank you to everyone who has shared their comments, photos, and stories with us. Here are some of our favourite comments so far:

"Yasmina is the doll that one of my 6 year old twins want because she loves is "brown like me" and "sooooo pretty just like me too" ❤️❤️ while it's cute it also made me sad that she was sooooo excited to see a doll with the same color skin, it made me realize YES little children DO notice these things and my white privilege has BLINDED me even after having biracial children it's never crossed my mind that kids notice these things" - Jennifer

"I am a Christian clergy woman deeply committed to building the interfaith and multi-religious relationships in the towns and neighborhoods I've served the past 30 years. The Salam Sisters dolls along with the 5Pillars games are the single most creative and innovative idea I've seen to change girls (of every faith and no faith) and their families understanding of Islam throughout the world. Salam Alaikum!" - Rev. Elizabeth Ann King

"I want Maryam for my Maryam! 😊" - Umm Ibrahim

"I am a doll collector and I am so happy to have these two dolls in my collection. I think that your dolls send a positive message about accepting diversity." - Ronda

"It was very hard not to buy them all ... jazakallah kheir for designing such beautiful dolls that truly represent us! As Muslims and an ethnically diverse community! 💕💕💕💕love them!" - Gemma